How to Create Abstract Background with Blend Tool in Adobe Illustrator Tutorial
Video: How to Create Abstract Background in Adobe Illustrator with Blend Tool | EPS.05
In today’s tutorial I’m gonna show you hot to create an abstract design like this using the Blend Tool in Adobe Illustrator.
Abstract Background with Blend Tool
Step 1: Create Background
So without any further ado let's jump into Adobe Illustrator. First make a document and make sure to size the artwork using HD size for more picture quality, don't forget to set the color mode to RGB.
First, Create the background to make it easier for us to see results and differences.
I only use flat dark blue with hex color code #070362.
Because we are done with the background and because we no longer need to add anything else so We should lock it to avoid accidents when working with objects.
First, Create the background to make it easier for us to see results and differences.
I only use flat dark blue with hex color code #070362.
Because we are done with the background and because we no longer need to add anything else so We should lock it to avoid accidents when working with objects.
Blue Background
There are two ways to lock the background the first is by locking objects by locking layers. This is the most I do in the previous tutorials. This method is easier and faster and we excessively organize objects with layers. Otherwise you can lock an object by going to the Object menu > Lock > Selection. that is the second way.
Two Ways To Lock an Object
After the layer is locked, all objects in that layer cannot be edited anymore even just to be selected but you can create a new layer to place a new object. We can draw the next object in this layer.
After the blue rectangle or background has been locked, we go to the next step which is to make three separate wavy lines which will then be blended.
In the previous tutorial: How to Create Abstract Background Flying Silk in Adobe Illustrator I also explained the trick in creating smooth and dynamic wavy lines.
Basically when you want to make a smooth curve, line you have to make the direction of the handle has the same direction as the others. So that it can produce smooth curved lines.
For the wavy line, you can make it not the same as what I made but all three lines must have different curves.
After the blue rectangle or background has been locked, we go to the next step which is to make three separate wavy lines which will then be blended.
Another Adobe Illustrator Tutorial:
Step 2: Create Wavy Lines
This step has the same process with the previous Adobe Illustrator tutorial where we create some wavy lines using the pen tool but in this episode we created several different lines whereas in the previous tutorial we only created one line then duplicated it.In the previous tutorial: How to Create Abstract Background Flying Silk in Adobe Illustrator I also explained the trick in creating smooth and dynamic wavy lines.
Basically when you want to make a smooth curve, line you have to make the direction of the handle has the same direction as the others. So that it can produce smooth curved lines.
For the wavy line, you can make it not the same as what I made but all three lines must have different curves.
Three Wavy Lines
Step 3: Create Blended Curvy Lines
After the three lines are finished it's time to blend them but before that the three lines must be adjusted so that they are close together or it can also be set automatically using the align tool so that the position can be centered vertically and horizontally.After you already feel the position is right then you can give color to them. Coloring can be done before or after the blending process but if you haven't determined the right color for them you can make it after the blending process is complete so you can mix and match colors precisely.
For the color I have made 2 colors to be applied to the lines wich is Red: #F20505 and Blue: #0439D9.
But first I want to give them a thickness of the stroke to 5 points so that the blend will not have distance because in some cases when bending a curved line the result still shows some distance even though the distance has been set to the lowest number in the Blend Option.
For the first line I gave it Red: #F20505, The second line I gave it blue: #0439D9 and for the last line I give the same color as the first one #F20505.
Colored Wavy Lines
And after being colored, select the Blend Tool in the Toolbar then select one by these three wavy lines to blend them. Another way to blend objects is that we can go directly to the Object menu > Blend > make And that is an automatic way to blend object.
Blend Result
If still get the spacing between the line or blended result then you can open the Blend Options by double-clicking the Blend Tool on the Toolbar to adjust the spacing between lines, Set spacing to “Specified Distance” and change the value to 1 pixel or the lowest possible number.
Blend Option Panel
You can see the results that all three lines are completely blended without any spaces between them we can also see the smooth color transition and the results are in line with expectations.
The process is the same as before you just need to make 2 different wavy lines and give it color then blend them.
In the Blend Option set the “Specified Distance” to 5 Pixel.
Step 4: Create Another Blended Curvy Lines
Our first blended object is complete but there is still another blended objects that we will create If you pay attention to the design in the beginning of this Adobe Illustrator Tutorial there is one more object behind but this one has a distance so it seems there are some lines that make up the waves.The process is the same as before you just need to make 2 different wavy lines and give it color then blend them.
In the Blend Option set the “Specified Distance” to 5 Pixel.
Another Blended Object.
Adjust the position backward so that it is behind the first object. Right-click > Arrange > Send Backward.
Send Backward Function is to change the position of an object one level behind the object behind it.
Send Backward Function is to change the position of an object one level behind the object behind it.
The Combined Result of two Blended Objects
Step 5: Create Graphic Elements
After that we just need to make the last graphic element which is a graded circle.This step is the easiest than before because we just need to make a few circles which are have a gradient color and the color is matches with the color on the line that was blended earlier.
Graphic Elements
Color code for the gradient blue circles #0439D9, #070662.
Color code for the gradient red circles #F20505, #070662.
To create the Clipping Mask, create rectangle using Rectangle Tool and create according to the size of the artboard.
Select All Object, Right-Click > Make Clipping Mask.
Color code for the gradient red circles #F20505, #070662.
Step 6: Finishing (Clipping Mask)
And the last step is we just need to make a clipping mask so that objects that exceed the limits of the artboard can be hidden.To create the Clipping Mask, create rectangle using Rectangle Tool and create according to the size of the artboard.
Select All Object, Right-Click > Make Clipping Mask.
Clipping Mask
And here we are we have completed the process of making abstract background graphic design using the Blend Tool.
I hope this Adobe Illustrator Tutorial can be useful for you and hopefully this tutorial can inspire.